Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Intro, Yo.

My eldest girl has informed me not to end my sentences in "Yo", because it makes me sound like a big nerd. However, it is my job to be embarrassing, so I still say it.

Anyway... My name is Jennifer (duh!), and I'm in the process of getting healthy (double duh!) and losing weight. Those last two should go hand in hand.

I'm currently a member of Weight Watchers, and I go to meetings every Tuesday evening for my weigh in. That's my one financial splurge. I never ever thought I would pay to use a weight loss program, but it was a last ditch effort, and here I am now, nearly 50 pounds lighter. So, I can find a way to save the money I'm spending every month. (I do the monthly pass for $40/month. I get online access [eTools] and unlimited meetings for less than it would cost if I paid per meeting. Though, it is more expensive than online alone. However, I love the meetings.)

I started my journey right at a year ago. April 20, 2009, to be exact. I weighed in at 241.4 that day. I know it sounds like the weight loss has been painfully slow, but I've had a couple of setbacks. I became pregnant twice and lost both babies. The first time, I miscarried at 13 weeks, and during my first weigh in, I was only up a half pound. The second time, I didn't miscarry until 16 weeks, and when I returned, I was up a whopping 12 pounds. The weight loss was quick at first. I was losing a solid 10 pounds per month, sometimes a little more. Now, it's not as quick, but that's okay. I keep repeating that old addage, "This is not a sprint, it's a marathon."

My main goal is to get healthy, and if I'm really honest, to get into those single digit sizes again. I refuse to make my only goal a weight loss goal, because what good is being skinny if I also don't feel good. Plus I'm a little vain, and I've seen people who lost weight in unhealthy ways, and their skin suffers. Crimony, I'm already worried about the lines I'm seeing on my forehead. I'm not adding more! Another goal is to have people read this blog (if they are so inclined) and have them realize that it CAN be done, even if you're feeling hopeless, and I was.

There you have it. Now I suppose I should work on getting my own design on this thang. See ya in a bit!

(Oh, and for those of you who have followed my other blog, it's now going back to being solely about my kiddoes... They deserve not to have the details of their lives interrupted by mom's stuff! lol)

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